Egg White Oats

Hello! Good morning! I’m back! Lots has been happening in the world of Kaylen lately, and it’s taken me away from blogging for a bit longer than expected. By “lots” I mean only good things including lots of school work, school accomplishments and mini travel weekends (Cape Cod and Canada within two weeks of each […]

Leftover Pizza Ingredients=Next Morning’s Breakfast

After Friday night’s dinner, we had plenty of ingredients left over. As you know, I love breakfast. So, combining our leftovers with a fluffy omelet seemed like the perfect thing to do! Margherita Omelet Ingredients *This omelet serves one, but the photos show that I made two separate omelets. One for Frank, one for me! […]

Beets & Oatmeal?

Hellooooo Friday! I’m so excited to ferry-off to Martha’s Vineyard this afternoon and enjoy a relaxing and fun wedding weekend. After a week of relaxation and organization, I’ll also be ready to start up my summertime work on Monday, lots going on and I’m ready to conquer it all! This morning started off with a […]

Day in the Life #2 {Yesterday’s Eats+Workout}

Today is a great day. For two reasons: 1) I proctor my last exam of the semester and 2) I hand in all of my final assignments. I guess we could bundle them into one reason as they’re both school related, but honestly, it’s the most satisfying feeling in the world! My third semester is […]

Water Intake & WIAW {What I Ate Wednesday}

Daily water intake I am guilty of not drinking enough water throughout the day. It’s so important to stay hydrated especially when you’re juggling a number of tasks, projects, meetings, workouts etc. Since Frank is a personal trainer, he’s on his feet the entire day and he has been really good at keeping a water […]